

软管泵的软管设计:工业软管泵的软管经过特殊设计优质材料,能反复压缩,不应与“普通软管”混淆。有些软管是由均匀的挤压材料制成的,而另一些软管有一层增强纤维内层,以增加软管的刚度,并确保软管在未压缩时具有圆形截面。当挤压管的挤压回弹达到不合格范围时,需要及时更换挤压泵软管,即使不压缩也会使软管保持椭圆。对于内衬软管设计,这种“软管疲劳”终可能导致内部开裂或分层。 在软管完全失效之前更换,以防止工艺流体泄漏到泵中,并可能流出泵。                  


The hose pump is mainly composed of 5 parts: pump casing, rotor body, reducer, base and hose. The durability of the pump is mainly determined by the elasticity and corrosion resistance of the pipe, and its flow rate is related to the speed of the motor and the inner diameter of the pipe.


Application range of single tube hose pump:
Drilling mud, crude oil transportation and transportation of organic solvents and fuel oils such as gasoline and kerosene in the petroleum industry; transportation of sludge and lime slurry for water treatment; mining and metallurgical industries, such as filling materials in gold mining, and pulp in gold smelting Transportation; transportation of pharmaceutical materials and liquids in the pharmaceutical industry; transportation of oil materials and beverages in the food industry; transportation of pulp and sulfur pulp in the paper industry; transportation of cement mortar in the construction industry; transportation of ceramic glaze in the ceramic industry; nuclear waste and electrolysis Transportation of liquid materials such as waste slag, metal slag liquid, paint, coating and so on.


荆门豫信致诚机械设备有限公司主要经营产品: 软管泵等。公司秉承“创新理念、追求卓越、迅速改善、永续经营“的经营理念;并以“质量是di yi工作”,“顾客的满意是我们的荣誉”作为我们永远不变的质量政策;以爱护环境、回报社会、关爱雇员等社会责任为己任;把“诚信、负责、创新、团队”作为不断的追求和目标。 凭借“攀登,超越自我”的精神。

BW系列软管泵用途广泛,适应能力强,具有可满足大、小口径钻机所需的各四挡流量,流量调节范围大,参数选择合理。可与XY-4岩心钻机和XY-5型钻机配套使用。可满足不同口径、不同孔深、不同地质岩心钻探的需要。<br />
活塞为碗形加尼龙靠背的自封式S型聚胺脂橡胶活塞,大大提高使用寿命。拉杆上设有五道防尘密封圈,以防止液力端的泥浆带入动力端和动力端润滑油滤。经多次生产试验证明,密封可靠,性能良好。致使齿轮延长使用寿命。<br />
进排水阀采用钢球。并在阀盖上设有减声橡胶垫,以减少冲击噪声。压力表采用BY-1型抗震压力表,寿命长。 结构紧凑,造型美观。 可拆性好,便于维修和搬迁。<br />!
